

1901年7月12日,芝加哥水龙头的创始人Albert C. Brown, took his savings and opened a small shop in the near West Side of Chicago. There he produced a variety of plumbing fixtures as an OEM supplier, 以及灯罩框架, 气体调节阀, 和油燃烧器的尖端和喷嘴. By 1911, demand for 该公司's plumbing products had grown to the point where it began marketing them under its own name and distributing its expanding line through wholesale plumbing supply houses.


1913年,A.C. Brown invented a cartridge that laid the cornerstone of The Chicago Faucet Company. This major breakthrough in faucet design was the patented Quaturn™ cartridge. 可更换的, completely self-contained cartridge was revolutionary in its ability to turn water flow off from full flow with one-quarter turn of the handle. Also unique was the way the cartridge closed with the flow of the water rather than against it, 减少垫圈磨损,几乎消除了滴漏. It was noteworthy that the cartridge was replaceable and interchangeable with other 芝加哥水龙头 products. Quaturn墨盒成为了可靠性的标准, 耐用性, and value as a result of the 芝加哥水龙头 commitment to standardization and renewability of parts. The Quaturn cartridge has been updated over the years to incorporate new technology and materials, but it is still interchangeable with any Quaturn manufactured since 1913.

随着这个国家和芝加哥城市的发展, 芝加哥水龙头公司也是如此, 1915年搬到一个更大的工厂. 除了生产和销售水龙头, 该公司 created a dominant niche as a supplier of faucets and valves to plumbing specifiers and commercial maintenance engineers in the Midwest. 即使在那些日子里, 芝加哥水龙头公司在客户服务方面树立了良好的声誉, 经常用马车运送产品给顾客.


对20世纪20年代初的市场需求作出反应, 芝加哥水龙头 chrome plated fixtures gradually replaced the more traditional porcelain handled fixtures. Concurrently, the city of Chicago was undergoing an unprecedented building boom. New factories, 办公大楼, theaters, hotels, and homes were being constructed at record rates. 芝加哥水龙头 expanded manufacturing capacity in the late 1920's to keep up with the explosive demand for its products.

New construction stopped abruptly with the onset of the Great Depression. 芝加哥水龙头, 像大多数其他公司一样, was hit hard during this time; however, 该公司的反应不是关门, but by significantly reducing its work week to as few as two days per week. The company struggled to find bits and pieces of replacement business wherever possible. The tide began to turn in 1933 when Chicago staged the Century of Progress World's Fair. 芝加哥水龙头 was an exhibitor and received national recognition for its quality. 结果,订单增加了, and 该公司 grew along with the rest of the nation as the economy gradually strengthened through the late 1930s and into the early 1940s.

二战和朝鲜战争期间, 芝加哥水龙头 converted to the production of war related products, 如, 坚果, 螺栓, 螺丝, 还有降落伞钩. Many of 该公司's employees either enlisted or were drafted into the Armed Forces. 直到1953年,运营才恢复正常. 战后的建筑热潮带来了繁荣, 1961年, 一个新的, 更大的设施建在德斯普兰斯郊区, 伊利诺伊州-距离奥黑尔国际机场仅几分钟路程. 自那以后,每十年都有显著的扩张.


2002年7月,Geberit集团收购了芝加哥水龙头. 吉博力集团, 总部设在乔纳, 瑞士, is a European market leader and global provider in the area of plumbing technology. 吉博力在全球拥有超过12000名员工. 芝加哥水龙头公司在德斯普兰斯设有办事处, 以及密歇根市的一家装配厂, 印第安纳州和密尔沃基的铸造厂, 威斯康辛州. 芝加哥水龙头 is one of only a few companies that still produce permanent mold, 黄色黄铜水龙头铸件就在美国这里.

Over the years, new products and new markets have kept 芝加哥水龙头 growing. 今天,在A.C. 布朗在芝加哥西区开了一家店, his spirit lives on in the hundreds of 芝加哥水龙头 employees who every day seek to meet customer needs with innovative, 高品质产品. The company remains a leader in supplying 配件 for the hospitals, 学校, 餐厅, 办公大楼, 机场, 会议中心, 体育场馆, 以及许多其他商业设施. 不管你有什么要求, 芝加哥水龙头 offers standard and made-to-order products that are designed to meet any commercial application.


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The globally operating Geberit Group is a European leader in the field of sanitary products. Geberit operates as an integrated group with a very strong local presence in many countries, providing unique added value in sanitary technology and bathroom ceramics. 集团总部位于拉珀斯威尔-乔纳, 瑞士, with a production network encompassing 26 production facilities.

In North America, Geberit provides concealed systems for wall-hung toilets and fixtures. Geberit systems improve the look of any bathroom by hiding unsightly plumbing hardware. Replacing a standard toilet with the Geberit system results in more usable space, 改善卫生条件, 更好的可访问性. The unique dual-flush valve saves water and is practically maintenance-free. Geberit also offers cable-controlled bath waste and overflows in a variety of designer finishes. Critical working parts are outside the waterway, ensuring years of trouble-free operation.

With about 12,000 employees in around 50 countries, Geberit generated net sales of CHF 3.在2021年达到50亿美元. The Geberit shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange; since 2012, the Geberit share has been included in the SMI (Swiss Market Index).



几十年来,可持续发展一直是我们身份的一部分. 这对环境来说是有回报的, 该公司, 客户和合作伙伴, 为员工, 对股东来说也是如此.

前瞻的眼光,, 可持续发展有多种形式:节水产品, 新的物流解决方案, 节能生产工厂, 负责任的培训. 参观 吉博力集团网站 and find out how sustainable thinking and action have an impact on all aspects of our daily lives.



